Scroll down to view the Healing through Eroticism Replay

Do you know your "patterns" but having a hard time changing them, and talk therapy doesn't seem to be working anymore?

Is your spiritual practice hiding some underlying patterns or pushing them deeper as hard as you try to shift them?

Do you have a hard time charging for your services and making a good living?

Are you sick of affirmations and where they're not getting you?

Do you need better boundaries but feel mystified about where and how to start communicate them?

Activating Your Inner Jaguar has to do with how we love, how we show up for relationships, how we parent, how we deal with money (or don’t deal with it), and how we do sex.

Join me for this 6 week course starting October 8th, 2019.

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This course has created a huge shift in my ability to regulate my nervous system. I am better able to navigate my environment by having the tools to identify how my body is feeling and reacting in specific situations. I feel a greater sense of embodiment and my boundaries are more clear with myself and others. Kimberly is an amazing teacher with so much knowledge and experience. She provides a safe container for learning and fosters the creation of online community.
— Phoebe Croxton


Activate Your Inner Jaguar is for you if you experience:

• confusion around boundaries in work and life

• a disconnect between what you want in life, and what you're getting

• chronic yeast infections or BV, pain during sex

• shut-down around sex (low desire or pleasure), or a proclivity to end up in experiences you're not sure you wanted

This course is for lovers, parents, birth-workers, practitioners and healers, therapists, and people who want to become more human


Activate Your Predator Energy

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The biggest leap in my own sexual healing journey came when I learned to activate predator energy. When I started Somatic Experiencing training 6 years ago, I was terrified of the word "predator," and couldn't have imagined that this would be the missing link to most of the work I do with women, whether helping them heal from birth trauma or sexual trauma.

With the word “predator,” we are not trying to become predators, we are learning to occupy the full range of human, mammalian experience. Could a jaguar survive if it couldn’t bear its teeth to protect her young from predators or the food of her young? Could a jaguar survive if she could not hunt? That same jaguar relaxes, licks her cubs, teaches them to hunt, plays with them.

Healing through Eroticism Replay:

Coming Soon!

Understanding YOUR relationship with pleasure and the nervous system can be one of the most powerful experiences and footholds you can ever gain. 

If you have done years of therapy and/or coaching, but still find life to be exhausting, your relationships difficult, and sex mysterious, discovering your own nervous system patterns may be the missing link. If you are a bodyworker, therapist, or healer, your ability to understand your own nervous system, as well as decode and allow someone to see their own activation patterns will be a huge boon. 

In this six-week course, we will: 

  • Demystify the key elements of the nervous system and how to track them in yourself and others

  • Understand the way your psyche has constructed sex- what's in your sex suitcase?

  • Clarify your "Yes"es and "No"s

  • Illuminate what Sex actually IS from a nervous system perspective

  • Create and maintain boundaries with love

  • Clear up confusion about why your mind says one thing while your body says another

  • Understand your patterns with safety and sex

  • Experience YOUR unique nervous system and how it works

Course Format:

  • 6 weeks starting October 8th

  • meets on Tuesdays 11:oo am PST / 2:00 pm EST (October 8, 15, 22, 29 and November 5 and 12)

  • six 75 min- 9o min weekly webinars (recorded if you’re unable to attend live)

  • weekly lessons

  • powerful personal inquiries & assignments

  • a private Facebook community

Weekly Breakdown:

Each week includes a live class, meditations, exercises and discussion on our private Facebook forum.

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Week One: Orientation, exploration of what feels good in the body and noticing the lenses through which we gather information

Week Two: Expanding capacity for pleasure and deepening sensation

Week Three: Diving into the nervous system and connecting the predator/prey dynamics

Week Four: Boundaries as a form of protection

Week Five: Attachment styles and how they influence relationships

Week Six: Sex, consent, desire and needs

What others have been saying about this course:

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5-star program! This course is for anyone and everyone that wants to be more in tune with their mind, body, and soul. Kimberly is sharing her expertise and first-hand experience with the world—what a wonderful gift to us all. Ever so thankful that recommended her book to me: The Fourth Trimester - A Postpartum Guide!
This course has been so helpful! I took my first Jaguar course back in the Spring, and just felt I needed more. I really looked forward to our “church” on Tuesdays, and the stimulating conversation along with embracing our awareness as empaths. I live in a very conservative area of DC/Northern Virginia and can feel like a fish out of water. These classes have been a saving grace for me. So many strong like minded people~ I can feel the positive energy and compassion come through~~~ Kimberly, please keep teaching, as you are such a bright light in a world that is in need of kindness, understanding and acceptance. I feel so blessed to be a part of this positive movement. xoxoxoxo
— Joanne Borrelli
After taking this course, I can really identify when I am in stress response – then I notice the different ways it might be showing up like avoiding or wanting to numb or wanting to getaway. or defend and protect.I’m noticing when I’m in fight, flight, or freeze now, and I’ve learned ways to regulate my nervous system. I really notice when I am feeling like the “prey” and what’s causing the activation, how that looks in my body. I realized how many times I felt I went too far into a sexual moment with someone and couldn’t say no, so I went along with it. Looking at that and feeling into my messages around that is pretty big.
— -2018 Student
Taking this course with Kimberly has revolutionized my sex life, and I’m not exaggerating. Even though I had done lots of sexual healing before the calls, I was still having a hard time translating that knowledge and compassion into real-life boundaries. During sex, I tended to follow a guy’s lead, not asking any questions, and often getting angry after sex, at myself and at him, for going too far, or tolerating certain touches. I didn’t understand this rut I was in. In this course I realized that somewhere along the way I didn’t learn how to say no, how to pause, how to truly slow down and check in with me, beyond the social conditioning and my stories about what men wanted. This course isn’t always overtly sexual, but it all applies to sex, if that makes sense. It’s about your body, how to read your reactions, and how to feel safe. The knowledge extends to sex and any interaction with another human, really.

Hear How Activate Your Inner Jaguar is Changing Lives & Relationships:


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Your Teacher: Kimberly Ann Johnson

Author, Sexological Bodyworker, and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner

Kimberly Ann Johnson is a Sexological Bodyworker, Somatic Experiencing trauma resolution practitioner, birth doula, and single mom.

She specializes in helping women prepare for birth, recover from birth injuries and birth trauma, and heal from sexual trauma. She is the author of The Fourth Trimester: A Postpartum Guide to Healing Your Body, Balancing Your Emotions and Restoring Your Vitality.

She has trained yoga teachers, bodyworkers and birth workers both nationally and internationally specializing in scar tissue remediation and women’s pelvic, gynecological, and sexual health.

She has ushered thousands of women into their full voices and sexual expression through her signature courses Activate Your Inner Jaguar, Forging a Feminine Path, and MotherCircle.

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Investment: $347 regular pricing

$247 Super early-bird pricing available through Tuesday, October 1st at 9 pm PST / 12 am EST

$297 early-bird pricing through Sunday, October 6th at Midnight EST

I am currently on sabbatical from hands-on session work, and this course is the best way to work with me directly, and have your questions answered. Activate Your Inner Jaguar represents my Work in the world, and it is what I am most proud of—we will cover much of what we could cover in a session, and more. You will reap the benefits and "a-ha" moments long after the course is over. Please join us for this deep dive into your own being. 


Is this course for me if I haven't experienced outright sexual trauma? 

Yes. This course was designed to give you a felt experience of power in your body, and for you to learn the ways that your body might be saying "no," while your mouth is saying "yes." This course is about owning your power, in a real way that translates to real-life boundary-setting in your relationships. 

You'll learn why boundaries aren't a bad thing—they come from deep, internal experience, and allow you to live your life in a way that feels congruent in your mind, body, spirit, and soul. 

What if I can't join the live webinars?

No problem at all. We've had over 120 women take this course, and very few were able to come to each live webinar (and some couldn't attend any live, because of work and other commitments). The videos in this course are meant to be watched sometime during the week—you'll get a replay of each video within 24 hours of the live call. You'll receive information and experiential exercises in each video that you can work with all week. 

How much time will I spend on course materials each week? 

The classes will be 75-90 minutes long, and we'll give you some experiential exercises and meditations to incorporate into your daily life during the week. All-in-all you'll be spending about two hours on course material per week (plus whatever you fold into your daily interactions). 

I often say this course is about learning to be human. In this course I'll teach you to drop beneath the surface, where the body has a magnificent intelligence of what it needs to do to unwind itself. It's waiting for us to listen, to create a deep safety and resonance, to create the conditions where letting go is possible. 

Join us for Activate Your Inner Jaguar

If you're tired all the time, if you've done all the things, if you're exhausted by the constant searching and trying to feel better, I assure you there is a deeper level of intelligence inside you, waiting to be discovered. the good news is that we have the technology and we can do it together.

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Kimberly’s style of teaching has been a welcome breath of fresh air. She is so insightful, so honest and so logical in her approach to complex subjects. I feel like my awareness of myself and others and understanding of behavior has deepened significantly. I know the skills in these techniques are to be honed over time and I don’t feel a rush to know everything now - which is a major change for me. I feel like she has given me a language to express myself with, and a knowing that expression of our own position is so important - for everyone we are in relationship with! Thank you so much Kimberly.
— Mary Ramage